

Software for vehicle MEMS IMU/GPS navigation system




High-Accuracy Attitude Determination in Case of High-Frequency Angular Oscillations (Code: SO)

Software for real time visualization of sensors output signals

Software for real time visualization of sensors output signals

TECHNICAL FEATURE of SINS IMU High-Accuracy Calibration Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Programs SCLH, SCMH, SCLL, SCLH)


Software for vehicle MEMS IMU/GPS navigation system
  • LOTUS-Road – Program for vehicle trajectory simulation
  • LOTUS-Sensor – Program for IMU sensors output signal simulation
  • LOTUS-PC – Software of vehicle navigation system



Calibration of a SINS Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Based on High-Accuracy Non-Mechanical Gyros Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Code: SCLH)
The program is designed to process SINS sensor data accumulated as a result of high-accuracy calibration of the IMU parameters (gyro drifts, accelerometer biases, accelerometer and gyro scale factors, accelerometer scale factor non-linearity, and sensor input axis misalignments). To do this, the IMU is to be turned in steps of 900(10 with respect to the local vertical and the north direction on a two-axis or three-axis turntable. The program is designed to determine the parameters of an IMU based on high-accuracy non-mechanical gyros (for example, laser gyros).

Calibration of a SINS IMU Based on High-Accuracy Mechanical Gyros Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Code: SCMH)
The same as in Clause SCLH, except that the program is designed to determine the parameters of an IMU based on high-accuracy mechanical gyros (for example, high-accuracy dynamically-tuned gyros).

Calibration of a SINS IMU Based on Low-Accuracy Non-Mechanical Gyros Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Code: SCLL)
The program is designed to process SINS sensor data accumulated as a result of high-accuracy calibration of the IMU parameters (gyro drifts, accelerometer biases, accelerometer and gyro scale factors, and sensor input axis misalignments). To do this, the IMU is to be turned in steps, at first, of 450(10' with respect to the local vertical, and, then, of 900(10 with respect to the local vertical and the north direction on a two-axis or three-axis turntable. The program is designed to determine the parameters of an IMU based on low-accuracy non-mechanical gyros (for example, fiber-optic gyros).

Calibration of a SINS IMU Based on Low-Accuracy Mechanical Gyros Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Code: SCML)
The same as in Clause SCLL, except that the program is designed to determine the parameters of an IMU based on low-accuracy mechanical gyros (for example, low-accuracy dynamically-tuned gyros).

Accelerometer Unit Calibration Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Code: SCA)
The program is designed to process accelerometer data accumulated as a result of accelerometer unit high-accuracy calibration (biases, scale factors, and input axis misalignments). To do this, the IMU is to be turned in steps of 450(10' with respect to the local vertical on a two-axis or three-axis turntable.


Alignment on a Fixed Base (Code: SAF)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the IMU attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a fixed base, as well as to calibrate some IMU parameters.

Alignment on a Rocking Base (Code: SAR)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the IMU attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a base that is performing angular and linear oscillations around/along two or three axes, as well as to calibrate some IMU parameters.

Alignment on a Moving Base (Code: SAM)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the IMU attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a base that is moving, as well as to calibrate some IMU parameters.


Autonomous Aircraft Navigation (Code: SNAA)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the civil aircraft position, velocity, and attitude in the pure inertial mode.

Autonomous Land Navigation (Code: SNAL)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the vehicle position, velocity, and attitude in the pure inertial mode.

Integrated-System Land Navigation (Code: SNIL)
The program performs algorithms designed to process jointly SINS sensor data and data from other sources (a satellite navigation system, an odometer, zero ground velocity during vehicle stays and stops, etc.). As a result of this, the accuracy of determination of the output parameters (position, velocity, attitude) improves considerably due to the correction of the system, as well as due to improvement of the IMU vertical and heading alignment and IMU parameters calibration.

Integrated-System Aircraft Navigation (Code: SNIA)
The program performs algorithms designed to process jointly SINS sensor data and data from other sources (a satellite navigation system, a Doppler velocity measurement system, altimeter, etc.). As a result of this, the accuracy of determination of the output parameters (position, velocity, attitude) improves considerably due to the correction of the system, as well as due to improvement of the IMU vertical and heading alignment and IMU parameters calibration.


SINS Sensor Data Simulation for Calibration (Codes: SMC-LH, SMC-MH, SMC-LL, SMC-ML)
The programs of the SMC series are designed to debug the SCLH, SCMH, SCLL, SCML sensor data processing programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of IMU parameter calibration using the Monte Carlo method.

SINS Sensor Data Simulation for Alignment (Codes: SMA-F, SMA-R, SMA-M)
The programs of the SMA series are designed to debug the SAF, SAR, and SAM alignment programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of alignment using the Monte Carlo method.

SINS Sensor Data Simulation for Movement (Codes: SMN-AL, SMN-AA, SMN-IL è SMN-IA)
The programs of the SMN series are designed to debug the SNAL, SNAA, SNIL, SNIA navigation programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of the system output parameters using the Monte Carlo method.

Laser Gyro Output Pulse Simulation (Code: SMO)
The program is designed to debug the SO program, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of attitude determination by the SO program algorithm.



Calibration on a Fixed Base (Code: PCF)
The program is designed to process sensor data accumulated as a result of calibration of the system parameters (gyro drifts, accelerometer biases, accelerometer scale factors, accelerometer input axis misalignments, platform gimbal axis misalignments) on a fixed base (in a laboratory or in a field environment) without using a turntable or any external data.

Calibration on a Moving Base (Code: PCM)
The program is designed to process sensor data accumulated as a result of calibration of the system parameters (gyro drifts, accelerometer biases, accelerometer scale factors) on a moving base. 

Platform Drift Case and Heading Effect Calibration (Code: PCD)
The program makes it possible to determine the values of the platform horizontal drifts as a function of the system case position with respect to the north (heading effect) and of the platform internal gimbal position with respect to the system case (case effect) in order to compensate them at the time of system operation.


Alignment on a Fixed Base (Code: PAF)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the platform attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a fixed base, as well as to calibrate some system parameters.

Alignment on a Rocking Base (Code: PAR)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the platform attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a base that is performing angular and linear oscillations around/along two or three axes, as well as to calibrate some system parameters.

Alignment on a Moving Base (Code: PAM)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the platform attitude with respect to the north direction and the local vertical line on a base that is moving, as well as to calibrate some system parameters.


Autonomous Aircraft Navigation (Code: PNAA)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the civil aircraft position, velocity, and attitude in the pure inertial mode.

Autonomous Land Navigation (Code: PNAL)
The program performs algorithms designed to determine the vehicle position, velocity, and attitude in the pure inertial mode.

Integrated-System Land Navigation (Code: PNIL)
The program performs algorithms designed to process jointly inertial system sensor data and data from other sources (a satellite navigation system, an odometer, zero ground velocity during vehicle stays and stops, etc.). As a result of this, the accuracy of determination of the output parameters (position, velocity, attitude) improves considerably due to the correction of the system, as well as due to improvement of the platform vertical and heading alignment and system parameters calibration.

Integrated-System Aircraft Navigation (Code: PNIA)
The program performs algorithms designed to process jointly inertial system sensor data and data from other sources (a satellite navigation system, a Doppler velocity measurement system, altimeter, etc.). As a result of this, the accuracy of determination of the output parameters (position, velocity, attitude) improves considerably due to the correction of the system, as well as due to improvement of the platform vertical and heading alignment and system parameters calibration.


System Sensor Data Simulation for Calibration (Codes: PMC-F, PMC-M and PMC-D)
The programs of the PMC series are designed to debug the PCF, PCM, and PCD sensor data processing programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of system parameter calibration using the Monte Carlo method.

System Sensor Data Simulation for Platform Alignment (Codes: PMA-F, PMA-R, and PMA-M)
The programs of the PMA series are designed to debug the PAF, PAR, and PAM platform alignment programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of alignment using the Monte Carlo method.

System Sensor Data Simulation for Movement (Codes: PMN-AL, PMN-AA, PMN-IL, and PMN-IA)
The programs of the PMN series are designed to debug the PNAL, PNAA, PNIL, PNIA navigation programs and their algorithms, as well as to evaluate the accuracy of the system output parameters using the Monte Carlo method.


Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Inertial System Output Parameters Based on the Accuracy of Its Gyros and Accelerometers and Specified Trajectory (Code: COV)
The program is designed to determine the RMS errors of determination of the inertial system output parameters (position, velocity, attitude) based on the gyro and accelerometer accuracy and specified trajectory. The program is designed to study the navigation system characteristics and to substantiate the decision making process.

L aser-Gyro IMU Design Optimization (Code: INF)

The program makes it possible to optimize the SINS IMU design parameters (vibration absorption system parameters, gyro suspensions, frame design) in order to minimize the influence the gyro suspension and base vibrations make on the SINS output parameter errors. The program is designed to make efficient technical decisions during the SINS development process.

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The program performs the algorithm that provides for the highest accuracy of attitude determination within a wide frequency range of angular oscillations. Part of the program may be performed in a simple digital machine, which makes it possible to reduce considerably the SINS central computer load.
Software for real time visualization of sensors output signals
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Railway contact-wire line control Software

SINS IMU High-Accuracy Calibration Using Low-Accuracy Turntable (Programs SCLH, SCMH, SCLL, SCLH)

Purpose: To calibrate the gyro drifts, accelerometer biases, gyro and accelerometer scale factors and input axis misalignments

Parameter Accuracy (RMS)
Accelerometer biases <1·10-5 g
Accelerometer scale factors <7·10-4 %
Accelerometer input axis misalignments < <2...3 Arcsec
Gyro drifts (depending on the gyro random walk intensity) <0.003...0.01 deg/h
Gyro scale factors <1·10-3 %
Gyro input axis misalignments <3...3.5 Arcsec

Turntable type: Two-axis turntable, of which the external and internal gimbal axes are horizontal, or a three-axis turntable.
Gyro type:Laser, dynamically-tuned, fiber-optic, or liquid-floated.

Procedure Description

  • High-accuracy gyro IMU (based on laser or high-accuracy dynamically-tuned gyros) (programs SCLH, SCMH):
    • Procedure duration: 60...70 min;
    • Turntable gimbal angle errors: ±10 (with respect to the local vertical and the north direction).
  • Low-accuracy gyro IMU (based on low-accuracy dynamically-tuned gyros or fiber-optic gyros) (programs SCLL, SCML):
    • Procedure duration:
           1st stage - 40...50 min;
           2nd stage - 60...70 min;
    • Turntable gimbal angle errors:
           1st stage - ±10 ang.min (with respect to the local vertical);;
           2nd stage - ±10 (with respect to the local vertical and the north direction).


  • Programming language: C++ (except for the PM and SM simulation programs)
  • The programs are to be delivered to run on a personal computer under DOS or Windows at Customer's option.
  • The programs (except for PM, SM, COV, INF) are to be delivered as one of the following sets:
    -  Set #1: Program executable code and user's manual.
    -   Set #2: Set #1 + program source code and a description of the expressions used in the algorithms.
    -   Set #3: Set #2 + a report explaining how all the expressions are derived.
  •  The PM, SM, COV, INF programs are to be delivered as the following set: program executable and source codes and a description of the program principle of operation.
  • The program interfaces and comments in the program source codes are to be in English. The descriptions are to be in English or Russian at Customer's option.  
  • Upon Customer's request, the programs may be adapted to a specific system.
  • The high quality of the software is provided using a special development, debugging and delivery process consisting of six stages:
    1) Evaluation of the accuracy of the program output parameters using the covariance analysis program (COV) for system parameters and operating conditions specified by the Customer.
    2) Development of a program performing the algorithms and its debugging using the simulation software for operating conditions specified by the Customer.
    3)  Evaluation of the program accuracy using the Monte Carlo method by running the simulation program and the program performing the algorithms many times one after another. A random number generator generates a new realization of sensor errors and various disturbances for each run. The estimated RMS errors of the program output parameters are calculated based on many realizations.
    4) Full-scale experiments according to a procedure approved by the Customer, processing of experimental data, and evaluation of the RMS errors of the program output parameters.
    5) Comparison of the estimated program RMS errors received at stages 1, 3, and 4 between each other. In case of considerable differences, reasons for this shall be found and, if necessary, the program shall be modified and stages 1-5 shall be done again until the best result possible for the conditions specified by the Customer is achieved.
    6) Training customer's employees how to operate the program.